12 May


Casual Stroll through MMO’s FB page linked me to the following:

World Of Warcraft Designer Gets Real About Complaint That Blizzard Doesn’t Listen

In which as has been stated so often, John Lydgate:

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”

I do wish big games would stop pretending to cater to EVERYONE! TURBINE u listening?

The comment section discussion descends into the murky waters of ‘how WOW is such a failure nowadays’…

I agree stongly with those in the ‘no it is not’ camp. MMO’s have changed, online gaming has changed…GAMING has changed since 12 years ago!

Having so many players (around 5 million guesstimate and that’s with a subscription system) in this day and age demonstrates that it successful in so many ways.

Blizzard has been keeping lots n lots of minorities happy! The smallest minority being the one… letting those players group with like minded gamers to play the game they want to play within WOW is the key to its ongoing success.

WOW is a game in which I have never partook, although I have craved to join in many times.

If WOW was to fall I would imagine MMO’s across all spectrums would detect the oncoming death of a genre.


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