Archive | June, 2016

Update: Gaming draggin!

1 Jun

A rare thing nowadays a blog from tsuhelm. My MMO’ing remains locked into nothingness, indeed I logged into LOTRO once since the anniversary event ended! And I stayed no longer than a minute 😦 I thought the event had broken my drought… it had not, it was a blip of activity. It looks like I missed the daily grind but was not prepared to put in the extra effort to do more.

So casual gaming it is then: As I described in my April post ‘LOTRO Back Again’  I am plodding onwards with CoC, mid th9:


My clan is getting active for some unknown reason… 3 wars in 6 days! Its been fun, I actually did quite well in the last war and that was without my Queen, now lv7! My hogs are over halfway to lv5 which should make my GoWiHo much more effective. And clan castle upgraded to lv5 with 30 clan troop capacity combined with clan level now being lv5 allows me to house a lv5 Golem which is tough as hell!


So being mid Town Hall is always nice, but am slowly running out of affordable upgrades and simply do not have enough time to upgrade all the troops I would like to: My golems are not upgraded, my peccas are only lv2, my drags are lv3, my barbs are still lv 5… (my balloons are only lv3, I don’t use em!):


So the chore of maxing out th9 will drag on and on… longer even than maxing out dragons!

And when I am not playing with my CoC I can squeeze in some CR… now I am lv7 with most of my cheep F2P deck at lv8, so the chore is simply to save gems n gold to max cards to lv9, (4000 gold a pop and 400 of each card needed) I have had some fun matches but it is mostly tedious Arena 4 combat, pretty brainless stuff, fun when it works but up against a skilled player the game drags!


And that leaves Marvel: Contest of Champions which to be honest I don’t get to play as much as I would want as its difficult to detach my eldest from the ipad! (It does not run on my phone or the kid’s cheep tablets!)  Also being on the ipad I dont really have an easy way to access screenshots from work! But I have been enjoying the ‘Civil War’ event they have been running since the release of Captain America: Civil War… Not only did Kabam! include the themed quests expected they introduced yet more tasks and even altered the interface depending on which side you chose (you can change every 15 days if you so wish!) and this just added to the desire to play!

But the downside is that there are yet more interesting heroes to ‘win’ if lucky or extremely dedicated, or, of course not me, deep pocketed!  Which all add to your hero rooster which all need levelling. Add in the terrible WAR matches, which when they are balanced are great but mostly descend into farce and hopelessness! Even the longer running alliance quests are not exactly riveting stuff, the rewards pail to the WARs but the interaction with team-mates is more focused and easier!

SO basically I am enjoying my casual gaming but it sure does drag!