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TSU minus LOTRO = unhappy TSU

29 Dec

I can’t remember the last time I played LOTRO…

I think we had just repaired my wife’s PC and I spent over a day to get it reinstalled, I had been busy over the anniversary event (Update: Gaming draggin! – 1st Jun) festival and thought life was going to be rosy but my disillusion with LOTRO quickly reappeared, I think I basically have lost my way and don’t know where I want to take my lv65RK.. I had taken him out of Rohan where to be honest he was enjoying himself (except for the ‘my-little-war-pony’ bits) for the anniversary event, after which in LOTRO: Gettin INTO LOTRO again… 26th APR I decided to go to Great River where the game quickly got boring again…

On the 29th of July (GAMING: Pokémon GOne?) I again tried to play LOTRO due to my nr1 son wanting to play… I even created an account for him but he is too young and even with my coaching and help he quickly lost interest… and that was that…half a year later I have not played again, not helped that for 5 month’s my wife’s computer has been out of action I blame the installation of MINECRAFT for the kids which I reckon has permanently damaged something in the motherboard as now every couple of weeks it just crashes again… and MINECRAFT itself is unplayable!

The MINECRAFT adventure was amazing though, I am a late comer to it, and the kids both got hooked straight away, I liked the more lethargic survival approach but found it got too easy too quickly with nothing to really keep me pushing forward… My nr2 son turns out to have the ability to create huge and complex houses… not bad for a 4 year-old! Nr1 son used it mainly to create ingenious machines he had seen on YT and indeed we have had to curtail their YT watching habits away from the same old MC videos… especially one episode of Lucky Blocks pistols…  which has 3.3+million views… which my wife and I felt were mainly from our 2 kids…

As the PC (when working) cannot run it anymore we installed it on the ipad and nr2 again started doing remarkable things, nr1 was quickly found to be sneaking back to YT all the time! Presently they are both fighting over the new Mario Run app (which is having problems with a lack of free content I gather…)… when not being banned from any access due to bad behavior…

So back to MY gaming… and my thoughts of coming back to LOTRO, somehow the news (I popped back to LOTROPLAYERS to check if true… LOTRO Players News Episode 182: What What Whaaaaat??) that LOTRO n DDO will be spinning off from TURBINE awoke this desire to play again…

I then stumbled on Malaysian Gamer’s YT video ’10 Reasons to play LOTRO’… and oh boy was desperate for my wife’s computer to be fixed… it has been and I am still itching to install LOTRO yet again… it will probably take a day… so maybe over the new year holiday (we got the 2nd of JAN free from work for some weird corporate reason!) …I just wonder how long it lives this time… surely 2017 must bring a new PC into the household?

Oh another nice YT video byThomas Huayra: ’10 lifehacks for LOTRO’, some stuff to try out here:) Also great to see Nakt is still LOTROing and blogging, and he mentioned our old clan leader Taltoz is still also in game 🙂

Undoubtedly if I start playing again I will probably start blogging again, you have been warned… TSU’s mad ramblings could be coming back soon… unsubscribe now… ur last chance to preserve your sanity.

So sans LOTRO what the hell have I been doing?

Now having moved back into Buenos Aires (6 blocks from Congress no less, sounds good it’s actually not that nice an area…) I have been swimming more than I did when I actually had my own pool, but am still not in body-surfing form… I ripped a calf muscle playing Frisbee with myself 😦 that didn’t help but hope to get back into chucking plastic again this summer, I walk to work most days now – 15 blocks so a little more activity and a HUGE saving in time. (I saw a BMX for sale yesterday…so tempted!) Work has been a huge focus for 2016 which contributed heavily to my blog’s demise, simply no time to spend at work in blogland! But 2017 looks very quiet, to the extent that my job (the whole department’s in fact) looks in danger which could  impact quite negatively on future gaming plans… touching wood it works out, although being made redundant in Argentina is quite a generous process and would easily fund my family’s return to Europe. But being jobless anywhere is not good at this time and OMG 2016 has been bad for politics and world travelers such as myself, especially as I am married to a non EU citizen 😦

Wife n aforementioned kids of course eat up lots n lots of my time, I have really enjoyed Stranger Things, Happy Valley, The Night Of, Game of Thrones, WESTWORLD, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Preacher and Star Wars Clone Wars (all episodes seen for first time :)) . I survived a plethora of others, notable mentions to How to get Away with Murder, Gotham, and Night Manager!  Started and gave up on quite a few too, the biggest disappointment being 2nd season of Mr. Robot.

I half-heartedly started a TSUISM project for blasts of creative madness, incorporating some of the LEAN culture work is attempting to instigate (I won’t go there…):


So no gaming then?

Computer basically out of action (so no EVE online either!) or in use by others so I continued my casual gaming on my phone(s*) in the shape of CoC, CR and MCOC. All of which I am submerged in to differing degrees.

*Why phonesI was always suspicious of geezers with more than 1 mobile, now I pack 2 myself (and I am not counting the ipad which is best for MCOC!) Now I have 1 phone for CoC, CR and phone calls and my wife’s old phone which runs MCOC, mine did not, it’s kinda laggy, a little too small and has a tendency for the screen to come off but it’s my fall back for when nothing else to do or I need to play MCOC and family ipad is in use.



th9… just before…


th 10 🙂


Backdoor is painful!


cmon get it front door!


2016 Xmas tree on my border 🙂


oh events 🙂

I left my dead Philippine clan and joined a British Clan. It’s super-active nowadays but unorganized and unsettled. The leader is permaAFK! So we have a constant stream of new recruits and we are struggling to maintain a core of good players; we had a huge fall out and lost 2 good factions – one of which is continually inviting me to follow. Funnily one of the newer members is also one of my best friends from GB who reached out over FB as a fellow CoC player and he decided to join the same clan :). Notice I start by talking about the alliance and other players, in the end the longevity of this (all?) casual game is about the people u play with not really the game itself…

I recently reached th10, always fun starting a new level, I should have kept levelling my walls n heroes but to be Frank (who I am not!) it was SIMPLY BORING! So th10 antics ahead… its early days as u can tell by the pics… not even done a new base design and my bastardized WAR base which was a Clash Tutor th9 thumper design is a truly weird beast. I am now nr1 base in WAR which is quite a daunting role as to be honest I am too casual a player to hold that position… but I suppose I am the most consistent donator so I get away with it 🙂



I have come so close to stopping playing this game… I got invited to Supreme Cream’s CR group and it made a huge difference initially with the then ‘NEW’ tournaments (which turned out to be crock!) and the constant donations of cards which still help a lot 🙂 But recently actually playing the game became a bore, there was simply no necessity to play… as a f2p player gold costs are too high to contemplate nothing less than monthly goals! Then during the last update SUPERCELL introduced the Clan Chest and suddenly the game came alive. There is a 2 week on off cycle but I missed the thrill of piling up crowns after only a day of rest… I even started to mess around with Mortars just cos I wanted to. I have used a cheap deck since day 1 and only really changed it recently with the addition of the Black Knight (Monty Python sketch)

So it goes, soon I will reach lv10, so tougher castles… maybe by end of 2017 I will have all my cards that I use raised to level 12… I doubt it but I suspect I may still be playing.


And last but not least the game that has consumed my idle moments to the ire of my wife! Our alliance has grown to full size and it’s become more stable but it’s such a DEMANDING MONSTER! It’s a casual game that sucks up your life… and of late for pitiful rewards… as the core mechanism for progress is the chance opening of hero crystals for better n better heroes (or using to improve those you already have) and in which I have had the longest streak of crap… so why is it such a TIMESINK…again it’s the people! Yes being in contact with 30 other players 24hrs a day in game and also via FB and now LINE, who are constantly pushing u to log in, do something, reach yet another target for another reward which may help gain another crystal… Can you tell I am close to my limit? It was fun and when I was busy at work it was actually useful, I was applying and practicing team building ideas which I could replicate as best I could in my workplace (My department works in 2 sites, one in Buenos Aires another in Manila, and the company is Global. The alliance has members in Europe, US and me in Argentina!)

But I do love beat em ups and I grew up on MARVEL so this game hits those buttons hard 🙂 When you do have a row of good fights (when the special button on teeny tiny touchscreen works!) the adrenalin kicks in and the RW simply vanishes – all focus is in the game, those are the sublime moments when you realize that you LOVE this game.

There is always something to do in game as well, it may be tedious and repetitive (aren’t all Beat Em Ups?) but each fight is practice and can lead to improvement, I have found that I can even win some fights without being able to see the screen… they recently introduced an AI mode for the most basic quest fights which does an OK job of removing some of the tedium. The main alliance focus is the Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars which have the biggest rewards (much of which is hidden behind shitty RNG) but working as a team is essential to attempt the harder maps(AQ) or beat the harder opponents (Wars). And the whole alliance is needed, all 30 players, to really make it work which is why it can get quite stress inducing 😦 Arguments flare up, no shows and wrong paths end in dissension, its all quite dramatic at times. Maybe too much so, and I am seriously questioning how much longer I can soldier on, I helped start the group up and the leader understands I have a wife n kids and a busy work life too so I do get by.

I reckon after the new year I may get some luck that should drive me onwards, if not a break could be coming… maybe a LOTRO break (not away from but BACK to!)

So TSU is back maybe for just this quiet end of year day at the office… I wish you all well in your lives be they real or virtual.



24 Aug


Once upon a time a long time ago, healers triggered air traps… before I played COC! Now they will again in the proposed changes coming soon…


I am surprised by this planned nerf…

claws off our healers.png

In a game where SPAM is coming to dominate the only real training for strategic play since you first get her is the HEALER. Yeah the QW is OP but in quite a different way to a SPAMMED bowler/miner army which is mindless OP! I like the variety the healer adds to the attack, a unit that has no attack herself… more of this kind of unit please!

But as many have pointed out the Queen Healer combination should still be doable, just not so OP, clever spacing of those air seeking mines to prevent QW! I was even thinking it may be possible to trigger them by sending out scouting minions… new nick name CHAFF!


Even if it does end up workable, here I is crossing my fingers, I still think it is a simplification of the game, another lurch to the dumbing down of COC… I am finding as I progress in the game (now on the road to maxing th9) that it drags and drags, if I hadn’t changed to a more active clan I would seriously be slowly letting my COC fall off!

FINAL WORD: SPAM is still the order of the day!



GAMING: Pokémon GOne?

29 Jul

‘I just don’t see the appeal, is it some kinda mass hypnosis?’

Not even having arrived yet in Argentina and already some reports are stating the NEW GAMING CRAZE that is Pokémon GO! may already be on the decline… cor arn’t we a difficult crowd to please, us modern gamers? Fickle we is…

I have to be honest with you all I am desperate to have a go, and will rush out to play (if my phone can handle it) as soon as it does officially arrive. BUT I do hope (eventually) there is some implementation of the original Pokémon gaming that I so loved the first time around. Although even then I was on the mature end of the Pokemon gamer and missed out on the social side then!

Until then I will keep trying to get back into LOTRO – kids permitting – they are even asking to play themselves (more on this strange development in an upcoming post)…

I will keep hammering away at MCOC, now developed mastery skills in evade and parry and finally the actual fighting game is more fun as well! My Alliance is getting more and more serious in being competitive and that’s going to take quite a bit of energy.

COC is slowly going nowhere fast, but I still am attached to my TH and want to see it prosper…

And finally CR has picked up slightly in my GameDAR as I was accepted into my fellow bloggers clan: Supreme Cream and life in a busy clan is so much different to a dead one…more on this as well in coming weeks 🙂

Have a great WEEKEND all 🙂





Update: Gaming draggin!

1 Jun

A rare thing nowadays a blog from tsuhelm. My MMO’ing remains locked into nothingness, indeed I logged into LOTRO once since the anniversary event ended! And I stayed no longer than a minute 😦 I thought the event had broken my drought… it had not, it was a blip of activity. It looks like I missed the daily grind but was not prepared to put in the extra effort to do more.

So casual gaming it is then: As I described in my April post ‘LOTRO Back Again’  I am plodding onwards with CoC, mid th9:


My clan is getting active for some unknown reason… 3 wars in 6 days! Its been fun, I actually did quite well in the last war and that was without my Queen, now lv7! My hogs are over halfway to lv5 which should make my GoWiHo much more effective. And clan castle upgraded to lv5 with 30 clan troop capacity combined with clan level now being lv5 allows me to house a lv5 Golem which is tough as hell!


So being mid Town Hall is always nice, but am slowly running out of affordable upgrades and simply do not have enough time to upgrade all the troops I would like to: My golems are not upgraded, my peccas are only lv2, my drags are lv3, my barbs are still lv 5… (my balloons are only lv3, I don’t use em!):


So the chore of maxing out th9 will drag on and on… longer even than maxing out dragons!

And when I am not playing with my CoC I can squeeze in some CR… now I am lv7 with most of my cheep F2P deck at lv8, so the chore is simply to save gems n gold to max cards to lv9, (4000 gold a pop and 400 of each card needed) I have had some fun matches but it is mostly tedious Arena 4 combat, pretty brainless stuff, fun when it works but up against a skilled player the game drags!


And that leaves Marvel: Contest of Champions which to be honest I don’t get to play as much as I would want as its difficult to detach my eldest from the ipad! (It does not run on my phone or the kid’s cheep tablets!)  Also being on the ipad I dont really have an easy way to access screenshots from work! But I have been enjoying the ‘Civil War’ event they have been running since the release of Captain America: Civil War… Not only did Kabam! include the themed quests expected they introduced yet more tasks and even altered the interface depending on which side you chose (you can change every 15 days if you so wish!) and this just added to the desire to play!

But the downside is that there are yet more interesting heroes to ‘win’ if lucky or extremely dedicated, or, of course not me, deep pocketed!  Which all add to your hero rooster which all need levelling. Add in the terrible WAR matches, which when they are balanced are great but mostly descend into farce and hopelessness! Even the longer running alliance quests are not exactly riveting stuff, the rewards pail to the WARs but the interaction with team-mates is more focused and easier!

SO basically I am enjoying my casual gaming but it sure does drag!



CoC: TH NIN(e)

9 May

Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You’re going to get what you deserve
NIN – Head Like A Hole


Been th nin(e) over a month and I am enjoying myself, the early days of a new town hall level are always busy times, lots of new structures to place, base redesigns, new research and new units which give rise to new strategies. I love the Archer Queen, going to lv5 as soon as I can!

lv9 n archer queen

Little Queen

purplearchers n giant being queued

Purple archers…(lv6 giants 6d5h now!)


My base as is…still messing around…

They have also been some nice updates in game which have increased the fun factor.

The latest has really inserted a boost of amphetamines into play… we are talking SPEEDY! Due to reduced construction times Armies can be built and destroyed in much quicker times. The one remaining hurdle, to full enjoyment, is the actual process of finding a base to attack that still grates. It does not take long  before the frustration of not having found that juicy cash cow to milk or that ripe th grape to juice leads to choosing unwisely and which leaves a lingering element of disappointment which is slowly replaced by the lust for ‘gold’ as the next attack army quickly queues up for use…

So it is now possible to farm again, generate a steady trickle of resources and slowly build and upgrade and boy do you need the resources… as the early th golden days pass the th middle blues will start to grow and unfortunately then the th end game will start, the long, long drag to the next th level, of maximizing EVERYTHING before jumping up a level… which I need as mush as a hole in my head…

Clan Tsu (Not my clan) is almost at lv5! Woot! but it’s mostly quiet, we now have four th 9’s and a couple more on the way but as we get to greater heights the clan is thinning. I am glad to not have more pressure of more WAR but a busier reinforcement circle and more in clan chatter would be nice.

Well we cannot have everything we want but I will fight you tooth and nail if u try and take away my CoC from me…

No, you can’t take it, no, you can’t take it
No, you can’t take that away from me
No, you can’t take it, no, you can’t take it
No, you can’t take that away from me
NIN – Head Like A Hole

LOTRO: Andang dang gan an dan’agan!

16 Mar



Andang dang gone and done it again:

I keep looking for incentivisation to get playing LOTRO again. Each weekend I promise myself to get up early before the kids and wifey rise and do some quality LOTRO’ing but each weekend I sleep long and rise with my sons who simply never let me play LOTRO, they have developed from simply taking over to jump around, head off in search of water and swim to logging me off quickly and loading up Youtube or Netflix instead! So nowadays I am relegated to my mobile gaming (CoC) or the ipad (Marvel Contest of Champions) while they control the PC… My dreams of having sons to play LOTRO with fade with each passing day… By the time they become GAMERS, which I am pretty sure they will do, they will laugh at LOTRO and want to play their kinds games whatever those may be!

And I find without the satisfying meaty session of weekend LOTRO I am uninterested in grabbing a mini session (about an hour) each morning before work as I used to. I have tried and find that I log in and then wander around, lost and unfocused.

Poor Tsukuld, RK with endgame action just a fiery stone throw away… will he ever get there?

Opopa, the one legged hobbit and creative writing inspiration languishes awaiting a new set of armour, sturdies (hides east of esteldin) simply too boring to harvest…

Tsudryt, the orange captain on Landy, future acting sensation as comedia d’art and LOTRO gaming fuse.

Tsuhelm, namesake, first LOTRO character languishes in obscurity on an empty windfola, to be transferred to another server, to which, unknown.

My kin, The Family, from what I can tell, is super busy on Laurelin and I would love to get back into the action with them, Saturday morning fun with the big players coming to help are really missed. I could never fit in the weekend afternoon Family organized activities mainly due to time difference and parental activities!

A number of other factors have also aligned themselves to hinder my LOTRO gaming, the family moved back to the center of Buenos Aires, small apartment and the PC ended up becoming the center of family entertainment; more a TV than anything else. It is also located close to my wife’s smoking perch on the mini ‘balcony’ whereas before she would smoke further away from the PC, but being so close the rest of the family also gravitates to her and it is not so much her interference to my LOTRO gaming but the impossibility of playing with my son’s constant interruptions.

I have also become more engaged again at work, by choice and necessity, so less time to blog, my pain in the butt supervisor sits beside me, so that is also restrictive to creativity! My TL with whom I am on good terms is further away and more relaxed/forgiving of my creative endeavours! And working harder at work is more tiring especially when family duties await at home, kids n wifey to entertain, I cook half of the time and wash up 90% of the time, so when I am finally able to rest I am knackered…

And then the thought of a laggy LOTRO, I do hope its all fixed now after the new hardware went live!

But I am sure I will be back one day. Tedious CoC and undemanding Marvel Superhero bashing does not make this GAMER happy.

Offers to play FFIV (its FREE for 14 days) and GW were not taken up for all of the above reasons plus my wife’s computer won’t run em!

So until I have my own gaming rig and oh ever so important gaming space I will just keep trying to get back into the flow… Obviously winning a VIP helps…even writing about the chance of winning a VIP helps 🙂

Thanks Andang…for everything you do for LOTRO players…

Even reminding us ‘ex’ LOTRO players to try and come back…

Maybe I will even start blogging again…


CoC: Treasuring the Lootcart

28 Jan

SO last update has been implemented and we now have Treasury and a Lootcart that appears after being attacked.



OK thats 333k elixir safe…only a little bit more to go!!!!

The treasury is great and I wish I could move more of my resources into its safe(r) walls… I have been working to get my drags upgrade to lv3 and no matter what I do I am simply unable to maintain 2million plus elixir… with the treasury I will get there eventually… the five star bonus is nice and roll on clan war this weekend… if we actually win one would be nicer.


Did u know loot smokes!

The lootcart is a pretty weird system… it recoups a small amount of your lost resources but without reducing the attackers reward… so it just springs into existence. I’m sure Terry Pratchett could have explained it… somehow! But the net effect is slightly less loss of resources and that I can like.



It took me some time but there is a counter until next star bonus is available after you start to find a village to attack! (Bottom left.)

Clan TSU has lost a few good players during the last couple of weeks and we have not grown enough new players to replace them. Activity is down as well 🙂 I am now counted in the top 5 players and I suck at clan war (my main reason I want lv3 drags!)


OK in top 6! 

My farming technique is now using a mix of wizards and archers with giants: GiWiA??? Amounts vary a lot due to clan donations, I am trying to dig myself back to having a slightly less selfish ‘troops given to used ratio’… I am 2000 troops behind at the moment and by far the ‘greediest’ clanner and with so little progression to show for it!


On a weirder note I mentioned that I intended to upgrade my WB to lv5 and am pretty sure I started the upgrade soon after… I realized after my Wizards were upgraded that they were still lv4… I must admit it is possible that my dizzy brain is mistaken but I am pretty sure they should be lv5! I will send a ticket to SUPERCELL but am pretty unhopeful… I wish I had taken more screenies during that period as I have no pictoral proof!

Oh well…

CoC: PuttiN the N into ing!

20 Jan


Still low th8… new base design nicked from my clan war opponent this weekend!

I am gettiN bored with basic farmiN Giants 21 Barbs 15 and Archers 68 WB 6 and BK lv8 and whatever is in CC normally archers… GettiN average results nothiN amaziN and still not findiN any inactive bases (Treasure for the takin’!)

Was readiN about GoHO att earlier and Ho attacks …maybe time to switch to hogs…I love the idea of strategically takiN out defences in clockwise and counter clockwise motions…

I was wonderiN if using a batteriN ram of giants could be used instead of the golems to attract fire in the centre instead?

Will experiment and as normal probably fall back to farmiN as described above…

Maybe time to play again with Giant Healer: 4 Healers (can churn these out 1 each from barracks now :)) 14 Giants and 13 wizards…soon to be lv 5, my wb is still only lv4 but looks like that will be my next research project! I cant depend on getting CC troops I desire so they are just bonus 🙂

For further readiN, a nice list of att types here:

CoC: OOPsdate 11!

7 Jan

CoC after update 11: The snow is still falling in game and resource boosting for the festive season has been extended.


But SUPERCELL have not been so super since they released U11.

New shields and guards…

TOWN HALL inside please…

Farming… Difficult now and resources once farmed are quite likely to be lost again… especially as the process of farming quickly depletes any shield… more farming needs doing… takes longer to find a farmable base and is noticeably harder to farm the base. The occasional dead treasure chest of a fat unprotected base wearing it’s wealth on the outside have become rare beasts indeed.

The overall effect of this? Disenchantment from all… not enough resources to build, to expand, too much wasted time between ‘actions’ in a slow game that is a killer.

And, as normal for game companies, SUPERCELL ignored their player base since the update and the critics became more critical as the silence persisted. Yesterday they finally responded with an underwhelming apology and list of plans to fix resources. For me it was nice to see a company not fold or back down on changes they had made to alter the game: no reversion to old mechanics, shields and guards will remain but resource management will be worked upon… Ok good you have a vision but it would have been much better customer relations to pump out this message right away and keep pumping it out to all the critics…

Gaming companies, when will they learn; communication is more important than code!

I recommend this youtube vid for another perspective:

Well as many players have been saying the changes do NOT destroy the game only change it. So adaption is needed, changes to playstyle a necessity and expectations of a constant ‘easy ride’ removed. I have now simplified my attacking style from a quite complex healer backed giant raid backed up with archers barbs(inc king) n minions to a much more basic GIARCH attack. 21 Giants, 88 Archers and 6 wallbreakers – whatever is in the clan castle a mix of archers normally and 1 rage, 2 heal and 1(2) poison spells. It’s not EPIC, it doesn’t excite me as my old attack did when all the diverse elements all work as planned but it generates a consistent inflow of elixir and gold… even Dark Elixer has not been an issue since I turned th8! And I am approaching crystal league for the first time and I am not even trying!

My base design is basic and I am sure needs improvement but it has been functional and has even surprised 1 or 2 attackers… it is stronger than it looks! Although the idiot that threw over 30 hogs to their death was beyond belief…


I don’t have a daily 3 hour commute to fill and thankfully as my attempts to BARCH/BAM, with my lowly unmaxed th8 troops, were a disaster. Quickly topping up resources with quick farming attacks has gone! But I do miss the intense fast activity this provided in an otherwise slow inevitable rise to the bigger th’s… although at 1 point I did think I had got stuck in a negative spiral with my attack troops costing more than my loot and being raided constantly!

But the Philipino clan, TSU, keeps chugging along. We had some drama over new-year with a co-leader abusing their power but all has settled again and the down to earth clan is slowly chugging forward. A little bit more organization of clan troop donations could help all but generally we all help each other as much as we casual gamers can.

I cannot see myself removing CoC from my mobile anytime soon.

PS: My nr1 son installed CoC on his tablet and I helped him over the first few days and I really enjoyed the thrill of building a base quickly, to see upgrades happen within an hour was a joy… that thrill is unfortunately lost later on… a pity! He has since bored of CoC and is back playing more basic, childish fair…





TSU’s gaming wrap for 2015…

22 Dec

Well obviously I will start with LOTRO…

It has been announced that LOTRO in 2016 plans to increase the level cap  to 105… as well as getting to ‘THE BLACK GATES!’

Yeah an odd number that but stretches that finishing line for my RK Tsukuld to 20 levels away…

I have just moved from expansive ‘quinta’ with swimming pool to tiny inner-city apartment. Kids will be getting full time education next year, wife may be able to start working again and maybe at last this will turn the family direction in a positive way… Argentinian inflation and economic woes have stymied our comfortable dream! Now no more hour n a half commutes to work… I can walk in 30 mins 🙂 No more rising before dawn to grab an hour of LOTRO before 3 hours of travelling, 9 hours of working, to return to family duties and eventual sleep (if lucky!).

I hope to have more time for gaming and life in general. The kids will miss the pool this summer but will be able to join clubs (kung fu starts tonight:)), visit museums, get out and about and meet people. Me, myself and I as well!

So my wife’s computer has now been repaired to be picked up soon. LOTRO to be installed and played again…yippee, Withy has now opened server transfer… my kin is active and busy by the sound of it on Laurelin.

CoC my commute diversion since latest update has got more grindy…th8 and playing is mostly like running through mud… it still has its moments but am far from interesting in playing… more an idle thought lolling in the background.

My kids have got me into MARVEL Contest of Champions on the ipad (gift from my mum :)) …fun to gained from basic fighter… has rekindled my interest in Marvel superheroes… my comic collection, inheritance in trust for the kids, locked half a world away in my Mum’s attic, pined after. Am tempted to also install MARVEL HEROES MMO on the PC as well, to be played with the kids right, who am I kidding…the wife! LOL

And EVE… what of that glorious space game that instigated me to create a second blog… I hope to get back into space at some point, let’s see how my new found gaming time goes.

I also have an invite to join HeadBurro in GW which may just run on the new improved computer…

Anyway, in these festive times here are some tunes to celebrate the higher level cap:

U2 Elevation

Red Hot Chili Peppers Higher Ground

Higher Ground – Stevie Wonder

Cypress Hill – I Wanna Get High

Erma Franklin-Higher And Higher

Marvin Gaye – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough


May be treating myself to a new BMX this Xmas… (its been 10 years since I last had one) …so I can hop to work…

BMX bunny hopping…HIGH!


And 2016 is already just around the corner…

Who knows where the time goes – Fairport Convention