Tag Archives: Bladerunner

LOTRO: Wake Up Time To Die In Moria!

16 Jul

‘I’ve felt worse but I’ve felt better
A human see saw to the letter
It makes me feel so bad
So nice, so nice
Wake up
Time to die’

Pop will Eat Itself – ‘Wake Up Time to Die’

WARNING: Wife’s computer is near DEATH!

Scary days are back when I can get kicked from LOTRO at any moment as the computer decides it prefers to crash…from experience this will continue with increasing frequency until it dies… being a tech moron I will not be attempting to fix it myself and this month is tight for money (inflation in Argentina devours my salary, well the kids, wife and living expenses help and it was my nr1 son’s 4th bday this month!)

So please hang on computer. (It does reinforce the need for my wife to free up memory from the plethora of photo editing programs and flood of edited photos that overflow from it…)

I do suppose if comp dies I will finally go out and get a job in Europe, no LOTRO (and associated blog…LOL) to distract me from that…and I have promised myself a new gaming computer and the new ELITE game when I do get my arse back to civilisation…er Europe!

OK back to LOTRO

Gifted with my first 1st Age...thanks TALT :)

Gifted with my first 1st Age…thanks TALT 🙂

Awesome a lv59 First Age Stone! Waiting for other Family members to turn up so celebrated with a little busking:

Need a band name...er 'The Family [Rune] Stone'

Need a band name…er ‘Sly and the Family [Rune] Stone’

Update 14 arrived on Monday and I have been waking late so little play…

Amazingly last night I was able to play and was invited to a group instance in Moria, tis busy at the moment, a lot of raiding taking place. I have no idea what instance we were doing! It was on level so tricky! Initially no-one knew what they were doing and we died and died but eventually we settled into a routine, got the small team of 4 working well and then POP the computer shut down…

Logged back on and POP the computer shut down….

Logged back on and got back into LOTRO but my fellowship had vanished (I had been kicked, surely everyone had died without me (right?))

So I was able to get moving again in Moria, I had missed the Waterworks by accident so went back to the Rotten Cellar…

and POP there went the computer again…time for bed!

Got up with my first alarm and set off into the water works…I had forgotten how much I enjoy this giant area. They really took the rule book about how to design dungeons and ripped it up with Moria and the Water Works really demonstrates this…It is a huge open space:

big dwarf little dwarf

Can u spot the dwarf?

A couple more gifs… the animation helps you appreciate the backdrop:

waterfalls        ww

‘Don’t go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to
I know that you’re gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you’re moving too fast’
TLC – ‘Waterfalls’

Now all the water works needs is HUGE water slide…

Glass spiders...makes me want to listen to David Bowie...

Glass spiders…makes me want to listen to David Bowie…

‘So where were the Spiders?
While the fly tried to break our balls
Just a beer light to guide us’
David Bowie – ‘Ziggy Stardust’

So a quick run and already cleared half of quests…could not find the ‘Brooch of Lorien’ supposedly trapped in webs near the Lost temple, that I did find, I’m pretty sure it will turn up.

Tsukuld is now level 61, have not noticed any real changes since U14, my fiery stone should be doing more damage… he also upgraded some of his armour in the skirmish camp and also upgraded many of the legacies tiers with a ‘scroll of lesser empowerment’ bought for 294 marks in skirmish camp as well, it makes a huge difference to LI point spending – thx as ever to Talt for that nice piece of knowledge.

I am really enjoying the Water Works lets just hope the dammed computer works!

 ‘Painful to live in fear, isn’t it? Wake up, time to die!’

Leon (Brion James) – ‘Bladerunner’