LOTRO: I do not need to moderate my opinions that I express, do I…WHY?

27 Mar

Supposedly a REVIEW of ‘LOTRO PLAYERS NEWS Ep39 – Passive Aggressive Eeyore’

When listening to LOTRO PLAYER NEWS as I do weekly I always jot down some notes normally for the purposes of making some kind of informed comment on the show notes…sometimes these trigger poems…sometimes an interesting idea to expand into a blog for my own little blog. This show started as normal but the discussion about Community specifically LOTRO community really hit home and stimulated me to write a review of the show itself but also to discuss the main theme …LOTRO GAMING COMMUNITY.

My first note: Ethelros, ’…talking about crap!’

The show started normally, introduction to the commentators, the normal crew plus guest from Norway, LOTRO RP’er Achazia. So news about upcoming U13 I focused on the fact that ‘Task items’ would be released from LV restrictions which I though was COOL. Task items…oh lord so much trash to keep…may actually become tradable…profitable in AH?

Ethelros then cut to the meat of the show...COMMUNITY

Contains Moderate Peril discusses Community Too…here as linked to by LOTRO PLAYERS

While describing himself on Forums he had, ‘Become less full on…diplomatic, pragmatic, tries to be polite.’ Brax stated, ‘It was interesting to watch.’…Ethelros being polite? On the Show?

How you express views in any situation must normally by ‘internally moderated’ by the ‘expressor’…unless they suffer from Tourrettes…

We expect LOTRO PLAYERS NEWS to be a good news provider we expect objective coverage, neutrality, but this being a niche LOTRO fan show it is bound to obviously drift into the subjective views of the commentators and having the right balance of commentators is essential. if they were all TURBINE fan-boys the show would be pretty valueless (opposite also true if LOTRO bashers would soon be lost in a cascade of vitriol) I respect Ethelros’ outbursts of dismay that have erupted in previous shows it gives him a character and depth needed for us the listener to interact to and even connect with. It gives the others in the show a tool to express their own views.

Other community voices can moderate as much or as little as they want, beauty of independence but of course common-sense dictates that the writer unless solely writing to themselves must apply some sort of moderation.

We present an image of what we think our ‘image’ should be…kinship chat and personal chat, blog, show… moderate…yeah sure…even subconsciously we do this.

Why do I blog? Is it beneficial to myself? (Probably not my job!) I like doing it and I like sharing the Game, LOTRO, that I love so much, an online game shared with other people for a long duration. Even while I have been playing solo I have followed the forums and other sources for help and advice about the game I am playing…encountering a group of people undertaking a similar activity in a shared game world even if their characters do not directly interact with mine they create a connection.

I must admit I like the official forums… I got into LOTRO forums just from trying to dig info regarding game or servers…

These conversation threads help formulate ideas…without such the game would be less involved. I do try to be sensible within those virtual pigeon holes and respect others… even the most stupid childish rants I accept and just ignore as best I can… although I truly believe most should just get a life. “Oxymoronic acts of slagging off a game so strongly you claim to dislike in its official forums, again and again, why do they waste their time?”

NOTES: bipolar forums…unofficial LOTRO forums… forum is fun…not picked up the negative outlook I just ignore the moronic +ve and -ve posts…

Me, myself and I can’t be bothered with, they are generally negative. If anyone knows of any positive or balanced ones I would love to browse them.

a LOTRO diary (not a dairy…LOTRO milk anyone…?)

It is true that LOTRO PLAYERS has slowly pulled together various community feeds under ONE umbrella, I like being alone in the wilderness (I also like to shelter up every so often for news :)), I like my independence and the ability, like the last 2 weeks, when I didn’t blog naught!

But it is free to BLOG even if it is a diary of LOTRO activities or screenshots just doing it will open up a new world of creativity. I am still doing it in fact not BLOGGING is now actually harder than Blogging! Andang gives some good advice to bloggers to be in preparing a Backlog of content…well er… nr1 and nr2  sons destroyed my notebook (written!) with 10-20 posts in it (and my Ill-fated RP huntress stories!). Oh well…

NOTES: 1hr02mins Brax talking cut off – was interesting…

I wonder how many LOTRO forum posts Ethelros has made, ‘Too many’. I hope I don’t create a flock of trolls that follow your posting…ah…couldn’t find him, maybe he uses a different name?

GLFF – I don’t use it at all. Indeed I struggle with the chat window at times while playing…many times I haven’t moved and my chat says: ‘ssssaaaaddddd’ and I am not SAD! Other times I am trying to ‘chat’ and just start hitting shortcuts!

Andang: skill with mouse…er why not? …if casual, but if playing a warden or PVP, ok get those keys sorted.

Laugh at Ethelros…SILENCE…er..LOL… podcast spaced out or what! Moving on…well done…

Create a podcast. Ethelros was scared he had ‘an annoying voice’…these internal fears are there in all endeavours and I am sure it does not prevent anyone from speaking in day to day life (OK I am sure that there are some extreme phobias out there but…) Again it is our own self-image and how our voice sounds to us when not spoken by us…it is a really freaky mind fuck if you think about it. Scary to admit but that face that you see in the mirror is not the same face the people in the world see it…indeed no two people see the same face the same way. It is all in the MIND! Same with your hearing and your own voice…

Interesting Psychology: PERCEPTION (SELF)

‘Be careful when you open your eyes. It is likely that what you see you will take for granted. What you see is what looks normal. But what is normal? It depends on what you see. This circular relationship is what is motivating a Nevada scientist to find out how vision affects our perception about the world around us.’

Meet Experimental Psychologist Michael Webster.

“Thatcher Effect” 

And why the mind works is also one of the main reasons we group up in and out of game, and goes further why we then start arguing about it:

‘The theory posited that we have distinct, and opposing, drives to belong to groups and to assert our individuality. As we feel more included in a group, our need to differentiate ourselves becomes more salient. This motivates us to identify with distinctive groups that can satisfy both needs simultaneously.’

Marilynn Brewer University of New South Wales, Australia

Back to Blogging…

If you get the blog bug you can go back and look at your early stuff. Reading old posts can be cringy but also fun! (I so need to sort my blog out! MESS MESS MESS!)

My 1st Blog…putting me blog where my mouth is!

And of course most of all ENJOY it!

Enjoy the community, enjoy receiving and sharing info, enjoy the stupid jokes, enjoy writing, screenshot taking, costume sharing…

Enjoy this silly blog post REVIEW(?)

Enjoy this poem:


Ramble on good buddy!
Finally a Community
Pine-leaves ‘TOO POSH!’
We ended up with ‘EEYORE!’?
Lilikate throaty sore
Andang and Brax soar
Draculetta wants no gore
Achazia discusses RP lore
On LP there is no bore
Community comes to the fore
Ambivalent, not me…
Rambling on and on
Forums full of bipolar bears,
care bears and grizzly bears.
Some wear feeling bare
Others complain if they dare
Some post pics of mares
But to be fair
Blogs and Websites a rare pair
Rambling, me, like a mad hare
Community. Yes please!
Ambivalence… please ease!

11 Responses to “LOTRO: I do not need to moderate my opinions that I express, do I…WHY?”

  1. Jake W. (@Ethelros) March 27, 2014 at 19:27 #

    You’re a strange person, Tsu. Awesome, but very, very strange.

    • tsuhelm March 28, 2014 at 08:04 #

      Thanks I DO take that as a complement 🙂

      After rereading this a couple of times (i wrote it in between wrapping up my JOB for the day I came to realise that it was you that bore out the majority of comments in this post and I must say that I hope you do not take that negatively in any shape or form…it was just that you actually generated the majority of talking points for the show…

      I also realized I was lacking a review as such…OOPS!

      • tsuhelm March 28, 2014 at 08:55 #

        I also updated the poem on the LOTRO PLAYERS NEWS EP 39 in the comment section of the website 🙂 The poem was lacking its star 🙂

      • Jake W. (@Ethelros) March 28, 2014 at 10:04 #

        Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t offended or anything. It is nice to get mentioned occasionally…

        provided it’s in measured doses that is.

      • tsuhelm March 28, 2014 at 10:05 #

        So my next post with a welsh flag maybe over the top….

  2. Lilikate of the Buggins Burrow. March 27, 2014 at 20:25 #

    Enjoyed reading your review and opinion! I love your POEMS!! More poems for everyone! Yayyyyyyy (Kermit arm-wave cheer).

    • tsuhelm March 28, 2014 at 08:07 #

      Thanks and I want to hear propa Sauth London poetry on the show…don’t let Pine leafy destroy any more.. or get him to watch some Harry Enfield first…(is that even south london?)

      Thx anyway…hope the throaty is less sore…

  3. Braxwolf March 28, 2014 at 10:34 #

    I think I just found my pick of the week 🙂

    A note on the cutting out: the recording for this episode was pretty messed up, actually, and it jumped around several times. I’m surpirsed we didn’t have more people mention it but perhaps it was more noticable if you were actually present during the live recording and knew what was “supposed” to have been said!

    I hope you find the time to do more of these – I love hearing the podcast through other’s “ears”.

    • tsuhelm March 28, 2014 at 10:39 #

      THX…a very positive response 🙂

      Like I said I generally take notes so lets see…

      I was less than satisfied with the blog in the end, wish I could use more time at work (ahem!) to order it a bit more…

      THX again


  1. LOTRO Players News Episode 40: Run Away Another Day | LOTRO Players - March 31, 2014

    […] pick of the week: I do not need to moderate my opinions that I express, do I…WHY? by Tsuhelm at […]

  2. LOTRO: Fanboys, Poets and Raw Unmitigated OPP Crop Circle Fowl | tsuhelm - April 3, 2014

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