Archive | November, 2014


26 Nov

lord_of_the_rings_monopoly_game_2 (1)

Having had a broken computer and an argument with my wife this weekend no progression was made in LOTRO…

Read this in yesterdays Guardian how Board game and Video Games are feeding off each other, the former is going through a bit of a renaissance:

So my top 10 Board Games (in no order)

Monopoly: We used to play with a house rule where all fines to bank were paid to the free parking square, which created a lovely lottery win effect every so often 🙂

Cluedo: Who did it, where and with what?

Scrabble: Never could beat my Nana or come near to my Grandfather, but loved it!

RISK: now we are talking, this stuck with me for years and years, even played as an adult a few times 🙂

Allies and Axis: grown up RISK, took so long we only ever finished a few games…

Illuminati: Steve Jackson Game: only ever played it properly with 1 friend, was too far out and complex for most!

Escape from Colditz: was a challenge..

Blood Bowl: my teenage mutant ninja turtle RPG group was destroyed due to the much more fun Blood Bowl…combined American Football (was hip in 1988-1989) with Warhammer…LOVED IT!

CHESS: every few years or so I will pick up a chess set and start playing again! Even started reading books about it the last time I was bitten badly by the chess bug…only problem being I will never be more than an AVERAGE player me thinks!

Othello/Reversi: The only game my sister and I would ever play…

Snakes and Ladders: Oh I forgot! The first game my sister and I would play.

Hopefully back to LOTRO blogging soon….

LOTRO: Looking on the BRIGHT SIDE…

21 Nov

bright side of life LOTRO

Almost weekend, and login issues aside, hope to enjoy with 3 days of LOTRO morning bliss…

If it all works out I should have earnt enough TP for Mirkwood expansion and my RK adventures with Tsukuld will take a step closer to END GAME (whatever the hell that is!??)

But whatever happens I will be looking at the bright side of life 🙂

‘Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
Don’t grumble, give a whistle
And this’ll help things turn out for the best…
…always look on the bright side
of life…
Always look on the light side
of life…
If life seems jolly rotten
There’s something you’ve forgotten
And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing
When you’re feeling in the dumps
Don’t be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle
– that’s the thing.
And…always look on the bright
side of life…
Come on.
Always look on the right side
of life…
For life is quite absurd
And death’s the final word
You must always face the curtain
with a bow
Forget about your sin – give the
audience a grin
Enjoy it – it’s your last chance
So always look on the bright side
of death…
a-Just before you draw your terminal breath…
Life’s a piece of shit, when you look at it
Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true
You’ll see its all a show, keep ’em laughin as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you
Always look on the bright side
of life…
Always look on the right side
of life…
C’mon Brian, cheer up
Always look on the bright side
of life…
Always look on the bright side
of life…
Worse things happen at sea you know.
I mean – what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing
– you’re going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing.
Always look on the right side
(I mean) of life…
what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing
– you’re going back to nothing.
What have you lost?
Always (Nothing.) look on the right side of life…
Nothing will come from nothing ya know what they say?
Cheer up ya old bugga c’mon give us a grin!
There ya go, see!
Always look on the right side of life…
(Cheer up ya old bugga c’mon give us a grin! At same time)
There ya go, see!’
Monty Python – ‘Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life’

And for a rockier version: Heaven’s Gate did a great cover.

LOTRO: Game Issues Again…

19 Nov

Oh that’s good 🙂

Lots of issues since Update 15, servers have been down a few times I think and several log-in issues have been experienced…game is supposedly laggier than normal as well…

And me?

Due to time differences between US and Argentina my normal routine has been thrown a little as I used to get up, start LOTRO, log in, make coffee(or tea), get dressed and collect Hobbit Presents for all servers that I have chars on…

Silverlode, Windfola, Landy, Laurelin, and end on Withy…

Not playing with my RK at the moment I would switch to my cappy and then load up my huntress (another account so yet another Hobbit Pressy).

At the moment I need to dress (Oh no! No more NAKED LOTRO!), make drink and then play until 5am when hobbit presents become available… and at the moment I am getting up late but before 5 so I cant see the point of playing before collecting presents… 😦

So little LOTRO play, roll on long weekend (Monday off -thanks Argentina :)) so hopefully the servers are OK and I can get some good LOTRO’ing in!

LOTRO: WEEKEND kinda TP grinding while sitting down!

17 Nov

Ered Luin explored

ERED LUIN wrapped 🙂 Now back to Bree for more TP grinding 🙂

campfire frolics1

Chilling around the campfire

cappy crappy in the fountain

Chilling at the Fountain…

Cappy goes out

Campfire goes out and Ilcaptanotsu…levitates…or has developed jet propulsion!

Family and mommy

Mommy helps out Cappy and Huntress…not needed but was fun, only strange point was I tried and tried to start a conversation but never received a reply? Mommy followed me all the way to the bandit camp and back, twice, helping out by speeding things up, there was no danger really…

Family fun1

A little celebratory dance 🙂

hello hello

Huntress decided to blow some TP on a class skill,: ‘Nock on the Move’, helps to fire off arrows while running about, useful if I could remember to keep moving while firing!

more tp spent on class skills

SO the weekend ended with little progression into the second part of Bree, Barrow Downs not even started 😦

The good news is that I actually enjoyed my too little time in LOTRO and want to get back into GAME…

Look out ME, Tsu is back 🙂


13 Nov

Twice this week so far, and we are only 4 days in, I have managed to actually PLAY LOTRO rather than log in and collect hobbit presents!


From my days at UPS this is a horrible wall of boxes, where are the 'T's?

From my days at UPS this is a horrible wall of boxes, where are the ‘T’s?

So Ilcaptanotsu and Marimere have now wrapped up Ered Luin TP grind and are now wandering around Goblin infested Rath Teraig…daunting in that I always miss one site (which one I am unsure of…) and end up doubling over my tracks…wasting time…all but 2 found and META DEED of Ered Luin close to completion, but ran out of time this morning.

So pseudo multi box continues…playing my Hunter in Huntman mode, theoretically to keep things moving but keep having to stop myself from stopping and firing… Captain is in follow mode and his Herald of War, Fred is set to aggressive…So my mauling threesome is tearing through the area: Huntress is lv17, Cappytsu lv19 so working together landscape content is super EASY! I plan to do some skirmishes to see if I can work on some proper 2 player ‘cappy/huntress n Fred’ strategies!

Other than that this weekend back to BREE and wrap up TP stuff there before heading off to scary HARD Shire TP run… MORE CAKEWALK, may even use the park and farm technique so derided by many… i.e. leave chars in slayer deed area and let herald do the mopping up!


Both my Cappy and Huntress were started after my VIP ran out so having to spend TP on traits was a slight shock to the system after the easy VIP times…worst and most needed spend were the skill traits earned in the skill tree… unlocking these will be a pain but I will probably do it. My newbie huntress is restricted to 3 bags, currency cap and so many other restrictions being a new account that I am not surprised that NEWBs to LOTRO quickly pack it in… GENEROSITY is not the first word they will be associating with TURBINE …


I love hummous and hummous wrap sounds great :)

I love hummus and hummus wrap sounds great 🙂

So an easy weekend ahead and 300 TP short of Mirkwood… but lots still to collect and I have yet to start on rep items in my shared folder… 🙂

LOTRO: Who let the BEARS out?

7 Nov

LOTRO UPDATE 15 has arrived and a few had some difficulties updating but other than that nothing has really changed…

I have had minimal LOTRO time this week, enough for hobbit presents basically so here is some YOUTUBE video madness…of course being UPDATE 15 themed all featuring bears…

MUSE uprising – the bears r coming!

Hopefully the Beornings do not cause too much damage…

Jungle Book – The Bare Necessities – Balu the bear

Beorning gear is hot stuff in game…

Legendary Kung Fu fighter

So WOW is not the only games with bear action! Beorning legendaries…(TURBINE please fix LI’s soon!)

Kon from Bleach

We need some funny LOTRO beorning moments please…


I dont play SWTOR they have bears as well?

Tetsuo’s Nightmare…AKIRA

Lets hope LOTRO does not become a nightmare to play!

LOTRO: Ursa Major

5 Nov

Ursa major

So its the 5th of November…I remembered…

Bonfire Night in Britain…fireworks and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes

UPDATE 15 has arrived and finally an in game pic from TURBINE


Uninspiring to the max 😦

Installation hic-ups aside, and there have been few of those of late thankfully, tonight in this land far away from incendiary madness, I hope to be able to enjoy an updated LOTRO. I am looking forward to the patch notes and am hoping for some updates that will better my LOTRO experience…of late I find my time in game less and less enjoyable…I have simply lost the ‘fire’…


Boo! -Tsuhelm having some fun on Windfola…not cashing in tokens!

The Fall festival ended with none of my characters bothering to cash in the fall tokens…

Tsukuld my RK is waiting to experience Mirkwood…

I have a cappy and hunter about to start dwarf bandit butchery in the port of Kheledûl…(TP run for Tsukuld…)

So I wont be getting a beorning just yet…1000Tp needed.

Ursa major will just have to wait until I have finished playing my RK…

But I did learn 1 fact today that may actually be useful in RW:


How to find the north star…by following the line that bisects Ursa major, and ergo how to identify the Ursa minor constellation; The North star is the end of the handle of the little pan…er little bear!

LOTRO: The Bear & Croc!

4 Nov

bear n croc

Go and celebrate the Beorning arrival in style at The Crocodile, SEATTLE, November 5, Bear’s Den will be playing…there should be fireworks of the musical kind 🙂

Have a listen:

Stubborn Beast


Bad Blood

Enjoy…U15 just a day away…

LOTRO: Take The Beorning Tour Of LONDON!

3 Nov

The beorning trail

With LOTRO update 15 Middle Earth can be explored in Bear mode… so pack your suitcase, put on a nice rain jacket and hat of choice onto your cuddly beorning and head off…

…Oh and don’t forget your marmalade sarnies…

Actually from Nov 4 there is a new Paddington Bear tour of London where you can visit 50 unique (some naffer than others!) decorated Paddington Bear statues:

34f1085d-91bd-4a09-a17c-6c0b06681306-bestSizeAvailable images

Click on below graphic for details of the actual RW tour…


I have always loved Marmalade Sarnies:

To make your perfect Beorning Sarnie:

2 Slices of Bread of Choice
Butter (yeah I like the creamy unhealthy addition of butter…sans is ok as well…I suppose)
Marmalade* (a quality orange jam, preferably slightly bitter and with rind!)

*not to be confused with the Spanish name for any jam…

Below PB was kidnapped and forced to substitute MARMITE for his normal marmalade!

paddington and sand